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Jump City Beginning Class

Please fill out the form below.
Note that all fields are required!

Five week beginning class for $250

In case of questions, you can send an email to Cara Callaway

Tell us about you?

City, State, Zip:
Pnone number:
Email Address:

Tell us about your dog?

Dog's Name:
Kind of dog/Breed
Dog's age:
How long have you had this dog?
Check male or female:
Is your dog spayed/neutered?
Briefly describe any kind of prior training:
Briefly describe any issues or problems such as aggression, fear, anxiety, etc.
Is there anything else we need to know about your dog?

You and your dog's experience will be taken into consideration for the best class fit.
Jump City offers classes on: Tuesday and Wednesday (Thursday soon) evenings at 6:00, 7:00 and 8:00 pm.

What days and times are you interested in?

Class Days?
Class times?

How did you hear about Jump City Agility?